Pedagogy and Quality

All activities at Rosa Tornet’s Montessori preschool are based on the School Act and the curriculum for preschool – Lpfö-98 revised in 2010. To achieve the goals in the curriculum, we use Montessori pedagogy.

The annual plan

All departments work to systematically develop pre-school activities based on the Annual Plan tool. The Annual Plan includes the steps, planning-evaluation-analysis. Based on the analysis, the educators choose whether the planned should be standardised, improved or discarded. What is planned are the goals in the curriculum and the basic activities. The basic activities are the daily recurring elements. In order to meet the children’s needs, a stable basic activity is needed that is safe, developmental and learning. The annual plan can be read in all departments.

Equal treatment plan

The preschool should be a place where children can feel comfortable and experience security in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and abusive treatment. Therefore, we apply zero tolerance towards violations and we work purposefully to promote, prevent and support this work. We strive for our values, respect, communication and joy to permeate our daily activities.
Rosa Tornet’s equal treatment plan