What is Montessori

Maria Montessori knew what every parent knows – that all children are curious, full of discovery and eager to try and learn new things. And like parents all over the world, she noticed that children’s interests vary with age and maturity.

Maria Montessori also observed that the changes in interest follow a given pattern, which is the same in all children. From the very earliest interests such as eating by yourself, learning to walk and talk, to interests in reading, mathematics, space, and more. She found that children during their different stages of maturity are especially receptive to different kinds of knowledge. Maria realized the value of taking advantage of the periods of interest, which she called sensitive periods.

Freedom to choose

Maria Montessori found that:

”Freedom to choose an activity and the opportunity to work undisturbed at one’s own pace became two of the most important conditions.”

Barn leker med Montessorimaterial

Montessori work materials – a good help in learning

In order to meet children’s needs for activity and motor skills/coordination, Maria Montessori developed work materials for different maturity stages and areas of interest. The material is not the most important part of the pedagogy, but it is a good help.

There are materials for practical, intellectual and mind-training exercises in a Montessori preschool. Everything from shoe polish and cleaning cloths to materials that train logical, mathematical thinking. There are also materials that practice writing skills, language skills and grammar, as well as materials that allow children to practice their sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

Montessori pedagogy’s idea of learning is about moving from the concrete to the abstract. For example, the mathematics material gives the child an understanding of numbers and a clear concept of arithmetic operations. Once a child has understood a part, it is time to leave the material to solve the task in an abstract way.

Almost all materials fulfill several functions. Young children often work with it sensorially, while the older children use the same material for an intellectual understanding. Most materials are self-correcting. The children therefore get to experience the satisfaction of seeing for themselves that they have succeeded in a task.

……and a good help in upbringing

All materials are of good quality and are only available in one copy. All materials have their special place in the room. The child who has used a material is responsible for returning it neatly to its place. The children learn to consider each other. If a certain material is occupied, the child must wait for it to be the child’s turn or agree to cooperate.

”Help me do it on my own”

This is a thought based on the fact that no one can teach anyone else anything. However, the child may may need help to be able to learn, but the learning itself must be completed by each child on their own.

In a Montessori group, the teacher’s task is therefore not primarily to impart knowledge, but rather to observe the children and pay attention to each child’s needs.

The teacher provides the stimulation that corresponds to each child’s maturity and interest, as well as describes and stimulates discussions and new questions. The teacher shows where knowledge can be obtained and shows how the material should be used to provide meaningful training. Then it is up to the child to work independently with her/his task.

“All unnecessary help is an obstacle in the child’s development”

Montessoriförskolan – en spännande och stimulerande miljö

Kommer du på besök till en Montessoriförskola, kan du knappast låta bli att fascineras av den aktivitet som råder. Här finner du barn mellan 3 och 6 år, som bakar, putsar skor, dukar bord eller ägnar sig åt andra praktiska sysselsättningar. Här träffar du också barn som med hjälp av räknestavar eller pärlmaterial sätter sig in i matematikens grunder.

Kanske förvånar det dig att en 3-åring med största koncentration lägger pussel med världsdelarna, eller att en 4-åring med största iver tränar sig att skriva. Kanske tycker du att det är lite konstigt att en 5-åring pratar om cirklar och olika sorters trianglar.I fritt skapande får barnen utlopp för sin fantasi.

Genom att inte i tid och otid hjälpa barnen, utan i stället låta dem fritt experimentera, pröva sig fram och öva sig inom olika områden, har man undanröjt de hinder, som vi vuxna normalt ställer i vägen för barnens naturliga utveckling.

Så vad du ser i Montessoriförskolan är helt enkelt prov på vad som händer, när man i rätt miljö och med rätt stimulans tar vara på barnens inneboende resurser. Du ser prov på att barn både vill och kan betydligt mer än vi vuxna tror.

Frihet, ansvar, hänsyn, självförtroende

Besöker du en montessoriklass i grundskolan, möter du en miljö utan kateder och traditionella skolbänkar. I stället finner du elever, som arbetar ensamma eller i grupp vid bord eller på golvet. Det finns rikligt med arbetsmaterial på hyllor längs väggarna.

Precis som i förskolan väljer varje elev själv sin sysselsättning. Friheten att få handla självständigt innebär att eleverna ägnar sig åt sina uppgifter så länge de önskar. De kan koncentrera sig på ett ämne en hel dag. Men friheten ställer också krav på att barnen tar del av ansvaret att täcka in alla ämnesområden på terminens kursplan. Det innebär krav på planering och utvärdering. Friheten förutsätter också att de tar hänsyn till kamraterna i sin omgivning.

/Källa: Montessoriförbundets hemsida.